Dessa Marie Artistry

How to Pamper Your Hair If You Have Less Time

You have heard several pieces of advice on hair care like oiling or conditioning every day. Probably your grandmother will suggest you, oiling your hair is best, and the salon expert will provoke you for a rebound spa treatment. Hair fall leads to hair loss and baldness. Before considering any hair product, here are a few steps, which you can consider for healthy hair. Do you know your hair needs two elementary nutrients for their growth? Protein and iron. They work like a hair supplement and help the hair cell grow faster.

How to Pamper Your Hair


Include leafy vegetables that have iron content in them. Again, soya bean, cereals, or beans are beneficial for your hair. Amongst fishes, you can try salmon in your diet. The protein content is higher in peas, lentils, and quinoa. Remember to consult a physician before taking any vitamin or protein tablets. Your body, in general, requires 10-12 mg iron, but we still suggest our readers consume medicine after taking doctor’s advice.

Steps for Maintaining Healthy Hair

Every day, while combing, you may find numerous hair strands and get worried about that is. Do not panic. Here are a few tips for you:

1. Try using your comb on the wet hair instead of in a dry state. Wet hair is fragile, so that breakage might happen. You can use a broad teeth comb. Run this comb from the internal root section until the hair ends gently.

2. Cutting or trimming hair once or twice a month is an essential factor. This helps to improve hair growth naturally. The quality of your hair also enhances due to this. Split end problems are eradicated well if you trim your hair at least 1/4th inch.

3. Do not shampoo your hair every day. Try using a natural conditioner after shampooing your hair. This helps your hair smooth and fights against the frizz.

4. There are DHT blocking shampoos, which you can opt for if you are suffering from baldness. These are the safest shampoos without causing any side effects. They help your hair to grow naturally. (more…)